Filipino Recipes
Filipino recipes are near and dear to Dad’s heart. Dad’s lovely wife is from the Philippines and Dad was lucky enough to travel to the islands and taste all of the authentic Filipino foods. Filipino food is so rich and diverse it is almost unfair to classify it under just “Filipino”.
Dad's Filipino friends told him that so many different people invaded the Philippines and each time the Filipino people took their best dishes and made them better. The food is heavily influenced by the Spanish and the Chinese. No matter what inspired it, Filipino foods are delicious.
There are various regions of the Philippines with each one having its own style of food and signature dishes. Take the island of Cebu where Dad’s wife hails from for example. Cebu is considered to have the best Roast Lechon in the world.
What is Roast Lechon you ask? Lechon is a whole pig that has been stuffed with herbs and spices and then slow roasted over a charcoal pit until the meat is juicy and the skin is crispy. This is the stuff of legends.
Dad is currently hard at work on a version of this dish using pork belly. The hope is to make it a dish that the average, or slightly above average home cook can pull off.
There are so many Filipino recipes like Chicken Adobo, Sinigang, Kare Kare, Humba and so many more that Dad could do a whole site on them alone.
Check back often as Dad will be adding more and more Filipino recipes as the site grows. If you have a favorite that you would like dad to try let him know in the comments.